DFG Associates Architects studio designs the “Lacca” Salon in Ragusa

DFG Architetti Associati progetta il Salone Lacca di Ragusa

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The space of the new salon “Lacca” by Gianni Cassarino & Luca Savasta, designed by DFG Architects , is configured as a matryoshka of volumes: a white box that opens and defragments inside a larger dove-colored box.

DFG Architects Associates studio designs the Lacca Salon in Ragusa

The hierarchical order between these two spatial units is revealed through the functions that take place inside them: the dove-gray box contains the waiting area and the services; the clear, luminous and vibrant box contains all the main activities of the salon, almost like a casket that reveals its most precious contents.

DFG Architects Associates studio designs the Lacca Salon in Ragusa

Behind an apparent simplicity, which manages to surprise for the cleanliness and elegance of the lines, there is an intricate technological texture that walks under the architectural skin of the space and that can only be guessed through the many details that characterize this new shining environment in Ragusa.

The choice of materials and colors is dictated by the desire to create an elegant, professional and welcoming space… without renouncing the contemporaneity of a lively accent of color.

Location Ragusa, Italy
Photos courtesy Marcello Bocchieri

by AN shopfitting magazine no.172 ©