futuro delle farmacie
english text

PHARMA: What’s the future?

In recent years we have written and told regarding almost all market sectors, from footwear to clothing, optics and automotive, to GdO and swimwear. At the moment, we are acquainting you with the pharmacy world, […]

futuro delle farmacie

PHARMA: Quale futuro?

In questi anni abbiamo scritto e raccontato di quasi tutti i settori merceologici, dalla calzatura all’abbigliamento, dall’ottica all’automotive, dalla GdO allo swimwear. E’ giunto il momento di dedicare un’ampia pagina anche al mondo delle farmacie, […]

visual merchandising settore home
english text


According to the increasing growth of our activities in the “homeware” sector, we would treat about the subject of visual. The Home sector pays off the results of visual merchandising and window display activities. The […]