When wall and shelf turn into a digital playground, the retail staging only requires the press of a button. K.U.L.T. OBJEKT and the LIGNEUS GmbH together show how digital design is revolutionising classical shopfitting.
In the 4Seasons concept, digital screens do not only supplement the interior furnishing, they replace it. Digitally playable screens are installed in rear walls, presentation tables, shelf units, cash desks or similar, distributed over the shop area. The film sequences played off on them simulate – for example – a season.
Coupled to the contents are a sophisticated lighting and colour control and a sound system. If the retailer decides on the programme “Spring”, thus the customer who comes into the shop on a rainy day is welcomed by bumble fees, cherry blossom, birds chirping and “Love is in the Air feeling” and a delicious foretaste of the season lifts him out of his daily grind. On hot summer days, a shop can turn into a bathing beach with the sounds of the sea and a soft breeze. These subconscious positive triggers boost the sales process.
The concept protected by patents creates unique store experiences, which are on a seasonal, monthly or also a daily basis – individual and cost-saving. The retailer has access to various content sequences and navigates his store design via touch button. 4Seasons is aligned to the seasonal rhythms of the fashion branch, however at the same time can be modified for any other sectors, retail topics and ranges.
Herein lies one of its efficiency criteria. It is resource-saving and holistic. At any time, subsidiary retailing businesses can have access via central control to the individual locations and also communicate sales initiatives, offers or similar also atmospherically.
Innovation for the Food Trade
“The challenges shopfitting has to face are more complex than ever and can only be solved in an interdisciplinary way”, says Daniel Erhardt, Managing Director of the shopfitting company LIGNEUS. “Retail 4.0 means cooperating together and combining the core competences of individual companies.”
Together with the design studio K.U.L.T.OBJEKT and their technological competence partners, the 4Seasons concept was modified for use in the food retail sector. An example from the international wine department: the screens by the shelf show scenes from French wine-producing regions or the Bistrot in Paris, where the guests watch the goings-on on the streets whilst drinking Bordeaux, scraps of words and bar noises escape, accompanied by an Edith Piaf chanson.
The customer is emotionally steeped into the easy environment which connects his brain with French wines. It’s ideal if he does not notice the technology at all, but only follows his moods and impulses. “Anyone who only wants a box of wine buys it in the webshop. They come into the supermarket because they seek stimulation, inspiration, savoir de vivre, enjoyment and an experience. These expectations can be met very easily, playfully, again and again anew, and in the process cost effectively with intelligent technology”, says Jens Fischer, owner of K.U.L.T.OBJEKT.
LIGNEUS and K.U.L.T.OBJEKT present the 4Seasons concept during the EuroShop on their joint stand in Hall 10/G42
Photos: © K.U.L.T.OBJEKT