Ceiling is part of the story standing behind whole concept. It is arranged in the way that is against the rules, even gravity pipes in clouds” Smallna collaborates with artists, and asked polish painter Mr Dariusz Fiet to paint the sky on the walls and we hang risk logo (more than 3m length) made of steel so it looks like pipes in the clouds.
It is a one of a kind rack, recognizable for risk and created to present the latest risk clothes.
All the rack installation are really curved, they fly in the whole the interior and can be seen both ways, normal and up side down pipe racks are used for clothes in both directions, trousers hang up side down as well to make switched gravity impression more realistic there was not much space in the 80 sqm showroom that is why unique set of 30’s-80’s pieces from Smallna collection you can find hanging on the ceiling, they lighten and compose with melange grey dresses ceiling extends the space of showroom.
There is a wide range of risky products and sophisticated lighting & furniture displayed there. white “floor” like tabula rasa / blank slate is a good base for starting the story of real people… Soft & rough light installation made from American 40’s train’s light, Polish 60’s tramway light and Japan 70’s mirror bawl gives extraordinary atmosphere, although character of the lamps is so rough.