Dikka Bakery was designed by Some Thoughts Studio
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Dikka Bakery in Shanghai

By superimposing several juxtaposed layers of the site, Some Thoughts amplified rich contents and urban social realm within Dikka Bakery’s interior into the exterior in complanate forms. […]

Design of BEASTER Concept Store
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Design of Beaster Concept Store

In the design of Beaster concept store, Some Thoughts reflect on the uniqueness achieved by “customization”, aspiring to use the existing products to develop the spatial design of Beaster, and re-organize the partials of some products selected to replace the “brand-new” design. […]

Bananain Concept Store in Shanghai designed by Some Thoughts Spatial Design and Research Office
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Bananain Concept Store Shanghai

When designing the Bananain Concept Shanghai, Some Thoughts’s inspiration comes from the existing architecture and the diverse cultural background embedded in the site by re-examining the basic elements. […]