retail marketing e visual merchandising nel settore dell'intimo
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Retail and underwear…

Dear readers, by popular demand, the topic of this article is underwear retail sector. Having worked with companies such as Lovable, cK and others, our retail consultancy has dealt with this market several times. But above all from this year, we are partners of the prestigious Triumph/Sloggi brand. Therefore, we are able to make a very detailed overview of what the current situation is with all its advantages and disadvantages. […]

retail marketing e visual merchandising nel settore dell'intimo

Retail e intimo… L’importante è non rimanere in mutande!

Nel retail marketing, il settore dell’intimo punta ancora molto sulle campagne vetrina e sull’attrarre l’attenzione del cliente attraverso materiali espositivi e iniziative che invitano a entrare nel negozio. Nel visual merchandising invece, diventa sempre più importante esporre i prodotti in modo che siano facilmente leggibili e, soprattutto, rapidamente reperibili. […]

In-store Asia 2024
english text

In-store Asia 2024: the leading trade fair for retail on the Indian subcontinent held for the 15th time

In-store Asia, the most important trade fair for retail resources and investments in store design, visual merchandising and in-store marketing on the Indian subcontinent will again be held in Mumbai from 13 to 15 June 2024. Over the course of the 15 years of its existence it has become established as the biggest get-together of retail decision-makers in India. […]